Tuesday 23 February 2010

number 8

My whole blog up to this point has literally been a big joke.

Nothing important, nothing meaningful, nothing of substance.

I've written on here when I've been bored, therefore it ends up boring.

Speaking to people and I have realised that I can do something to change.

One Girl. One Saying. One Day.

Not all three related. Yet all three connected.

'No one holds your hand so tight, as the person holding onto life'

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Number 7, Channel 4 Documentaries

I'm back. C4 docs are really, really terrible. Oh no, I'm tree man! Oh no, I am attached to my sister!

What they should do, is really take this piss and make one up. I have a great idea for one. Picture this, a black screen, atmospheric music, words scrolling like in star wars. Then, 'Channel 4 presents, The man with a penis for a thumb, may contain scenes that some viewers may find disturbing' How funny would that be.

His parents being interviewed by C4, 'Well Kevin had gay thoughts from a young age, about 2 months old, the time when most children started sucking their thumbs.'

'I always felt left out by the other children, and people didn't want to shake my hand. To this day, I don't know why. I mean it's normal isn't it? Isn't it?'

The day this Channel 4 Documentary comes onto the big box that everyone looks at in the middle of my room, I shall watch it. Honest. Who wouldn't? You know you would.

And I shall return to the blogging world sometime whenever.

number 6

Well, it's been a while hasn't it?
Writing blogs again and again and again really is so much effort, I just decided tonight 'What the hell, I'll blog again' So here I am. Blogging again. Huh. Harder than I remember. Now I'm stuck. Fuck.

Ignoring my first paragraph, what is with remaking good films? I mean, they were good to start with, don't go and fuck 'em up. Remake bad ones. They are trying to remake; The Birds, The Exorcist and other such classics. They have already failed at remaking The Terminator 1+2, Star Wars and others. I mean, I just don't understand why people always think they can improve on something. It just turns out worse. Please stop.

Moving on, I'm well and truly stumped. This doesn't even count as a blog. I NEED IDEAS DESPERATELY. EVEN A NEW BLOG TO DO. SOMETHING. PLEASE.

Saturday 28 November 2009

number 5. i never was any good with titles.

Twilight, twilight, twilight. What is the obsession with these books? I mean I've been told the story of the books and it isn't really a great story. It's kind of basic. I saw the first film. The acting was alright, with the exception of the actress playing Bella. She was terrible. No matter what people say, it isn't how the character is meant to be played. It is simply poor acting. The dialogue wasn't great. Neither Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner are that good looking. Yes they are better looking than me, but that isn't really that hard. I simply can't see the appeal of these films and books. Sorry but that's that.

I have lost all inspiration tonight so that's all i'm writing. Sorry.

Friday 27 November 2009

number 4... finally

Before I start I would like to say sorry for not blogging in a long time.

Anyway, something that REALLY gets on my nerves is parent's that don't bring up their kids properly, and then their kids end up as chavs who are just generally twats to everyone. They look like absolute dicks in their clothes. They can't speak English and they just generally make people want to hit them. How can their parents be so bad, that their own kids are allowed to roam the streets at god knows what hour and threaten people. I mean some of the kids are 8 and are out by themselves at 11 o'clock. I mean what the hell? Come on crappy parents, take charge of your kids and SORT THEM OUT!

Another thing that I don't like is people on facebook who 'edit' photos and they just look absolutely terrible. Sometimes all they do is change the contrast so that the picture is stupidly bright and piss about with the hue so the colours are all mucked up. Then they write shit phrases that make no sense or that are just pointlessly depressing. Oh well, all I can say is PLEASE STOP.

I've annoyed myself now. I can't think of anything else to write and I mean, this is a comeback blog so should be great but is actually shorter than all. Oh well, it'll get better.

Comment on this and give me ideas for my next blog please.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

number 3

fun sized chocolate bars are so pointless. you get a bag of 20 chocolates and youre really excited coz you have so much. you open the bag and you sigh. theyre the crappy little ones that you can fit in your mouth in one without looking like a pig. you buy chocolate to enjoy it. it is so hard to enjoy a tiny 1 inch mars bar. if you buy say a box of guylian then you expect it too be small and youre happy but when you buy fun sized chocolates its really not very fun. just buy 8 full sized mars bars instead and enjoy them more. theyre just so small and annoying because they wrap them and the wrappers are so annoying to get off. i mean just sell bags of full sized chocolates. it really gets on my nerves. when youre offered chocolate and youre given a tiny little crappy chocolate bar you look at it with dissapointment. JUST STOP MAKING THEM AND MAKE MORE PROPER ONES.

the amount of crisps in crisp packets is so annoying. even the big ones dont have enough. they only fill the bag half way and the bag is already small. it seems so pointless to me just fill the whole bag and charge an extra 10 20p i mean theyre so damn cheap to produce. youll just make more profit. the worst ones are the flavours that dont taste of anything. im fine with ready salted. IF they are salted. but half the time they taste crap. a pack of crisps costs about 60p it costs about 2p to produce half a pack. just make a full pack and charge 70p i mean id feel fine paying an extra 10p for an actual bag of crisps instead of a half.

people who are too cowardly to admit to someone that they dont like them really annoy me. i'm fine telling someone that i dont particularly like them. the absolute worst people are those who pretend to like them in front of them but behind their back they bitch about how much they hate them. 9 out of 10 people would be happier knowing honestly who likes them and dislikes them. i know i would like to know who likes me or not. people who are genuine to you are the people who i give the most respect. even if they hate me, having the guts to tell me makes me at least respect them. people who just bitch and complain behind your back and pretend to like you piss me off. i mean for gods sake GROW SOME BALLS.

this hasnt been my best but im tired so itll get better soon. bye

Friday 23 October 2009

second random rant (with joel this time)

what really gets to me is fat people. they waddle down the high street and look really disgusting. i could understand if they actually had a problem but an illness wont make you like 12 stone. the way that they complain about being fat and blame it on different things is really annoying. heres a simple solution. EXERCISE!!! i mean its not hard to lose weight a boy in my school weighed like 13 stone in year 7 by year 9 he was an average weight. he just tried it and it worked. they complain about how unfair life is and that they cant run fast or are no good at sport but simply they just need to lose weight. it isn't hard to drop a few pounds. i mean just run for 10 minutes a day. the fat people that really annoy me are the ones that say 'oh I'm so fat' and then dont actually do anything about it or just try and then bitch about it and get angry and run off in a storm. also fat people that wear skinny jeans. i mean what the hell can you tell why they are called 'skinny' jeans. i mean come on wear normal jeans or jogging bottoms or something, OR lose some weight. i am fine with people who are fat and dont complain and get on with it, that is perfectly fine but the people who complain about being fat and dont do anything really annoy me.

the other people that annoy me are those who bitch and complain about stuff they dont actually know about. like people who say 'oh labour is shit' but have no knowledge of anything that has happened. if you know the details then fine call them shit but if you dont then just shut up! if you think labour is shit then find out about them and see if they actually are. if you still think so fine but if you dont actually know about it then just shut up. another example, 'oh saw is crap its just alot of people randomly dying' WATCH IT! IT REALLY ISNT! ok bitch about things if you actually know why youre bitching. if you actually know about something then carry on but if youre just saying what youve heard then just shut up!

another thing that really annoys me is having to get up early for shit. i mean nobody actually gets up early normally. every single person that gets up early for a specific reason is tired when they do. even the people that make you get up early. i mean wahts the point? just organise everything an hour or two later. its not hard. if every person in the world did everything on hour later then the world would be a better place. everyone would be more awake and would do everything more efficiently and to a better standard. also nobody would get pissy anymore. it is much easier for everyone if we get up and hour later. NOBODY LIKES BEING UP EARLY. NOT EVEN THE PEOPLE WHO CLAIM THEY DO ACTUALLY LIKE GETTING UP EARLY. SO WHAT IS THE POINT???

ill stop here and wont be on for a few days coz i have to get up early tomorrow :( bye bye everyone!!!